Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I plan on making this a bit more foodie orientated as I LOVE food and everything that goes with cooking. I still make aprons
I still love purple and am about to go on a fabulous European holiday so if I can work out how to do this overseas and add photos to the blog you should see some great things. Watch this space

Sunday, June 12, 2016

New life new me....pieces of old me still here

Where to start...well lots of things have changed since 2013 we did open a cafe it was a burger joint...we were successful ...work wise we had a good 3 years and some great customers visited over and over. We sold the business is October 2015 after some personal disasters struck. Split with partner of 21 years who decided a younger blonder German friend of ours was more suited to him...won't go into details....needless to say I have suffered an enormous amount of grief and suffering and have moved from Tasmania to Queensland. Sadly I left my kids who are both grown up and have there own lives. I also have a beautiful new grandson. So I've taken up paddle boarding in the awesome weather and decided to come back to my blog and share some new experiences and some crazy and interesting parts of my life with whoever may want to read about it. Watch this space groovers!!