Sunday, December 26, 2010

MINCE PIES...are they only for christmas time??

Thought I would share a recipe for mince pies (or tarts whatever you like to call them) from sunny rainy sometimes hailing (and that was just yesterday)Cygnet
I only have a rough estimate on the fruit mince because I just make a big batch at the start of December to use in muffins and mince pies when its xmas
500g sultanas
200g raisins
200g currants
100g glace`red cherries
100g dried apricots
100g dates
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup brandy(yes it sounds a lot but it all gets soaked up and the more you toss it around and leave it to marinate the better)
2 grated apples
A welcome addition to this is also 100gchopped pistachios and 200gdried cranberries
250g plain flour
150g butter
100g caster sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
Rub butter into flour with the pinch of salt
til it resembles breadcrumbs.
Add the sugar and give a stir through. Then add your egg and vanilla and mix thouroughly till it molds into a ball. This is quite a wet mix so it allows for a fair amount of flour when rolling.

Roll out to approximately 1/2 cm thickness. Use 2 cookie cutters of different shapes the larger one for putting into a greased patty pan tin, also known as a drop scone tin. The smaller cutter to use for the lid of your tart.

Put the larger size piece of pastry into the tin until the tray is full then put approx 1 teaspoon of fruit mince into each tart base. Using some egg wash, brush around the lids before you put them onto the tart bottoms.This is to ensure the lids stay stuck to the bases. Egg wash the tops of the tarts and sprinkle with sugar.( prick a small hole in top of pastry to allow hot air out and no exploding tarts!!)

uncooked tarts
Put into a moderate(150-160) oven for approximately 20 minutes, until they are golden on top. take out of oven and let cool on wire rack then sprinkle with icing sugar and serve by themselves or with cream and icecream.
I also made Mr Purple Chef a special treat and used the same pastry and fruit mince and just made him a slice.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Its JAM SEASON in Cygnet.

Ok with the aroma of strawberry jam now absent from my house(OH boy it smelt so sweet and dreamy...YUMMO). I thought I would share this recipe for strawberry jam with you all to try or just read and imagine us enjoying it.
I was given a couple of kilo's of strawberries last weekend by a lovely new friend we met through cricket. I will tell you all the same as I told Marie...if you want to make jam buy yourself a $12 candy thermometer from a kitchen shop. It takes all the guess work and putting plates in the freezer and setting tests etc away from it. It makes jam making more fun than you think. Once you have jam making down pat then relishes and pickles are easy. First things first PUT ON YOUR APRON...the prettier the better...and put music on and enjoy yourself (grab a glass of wine if that's your fancy....or a lindt chocolate ball or ten...oh thats my fancy..)

2.1 kg hulled strawberries(approx 2.4 before hull)
1.6 kg warmed sugar
150ml lemon juice
150ml water

Put all ingredients in heavy based saucepan & warm gently without boiling and stir with wooden spoon.

Increase heat slightly and without boiling stir for 10 minutes until sugar has dissolved. Increase heat and boil for ten minutes stirring often(PLEASE DONT LET IT CATCH) turn it down to a gentle simmer and start  skimming scum off top( there is a lot from strawberries are they are made up of a lot of liquid)

 check temperature with candy thermometer and simmer til it gets to about 105 - 106 degrees. this will take approximately 20 minutes
(times can vary between electric and gas cooking equipment also)
Take off the heat ( being very careful as jam does burn if you spill on your skin.)
 Pour into preheated sterilised jars. Put the lids on and invert them for 2 minutes. Turn them back over and let cool. Label and date. Store in a cool dark place for 6-12 months. Refrigerate after opening for up to 6 weeks.

I have also done a little experiment that worked very well so I can recommend it. Soak your strawberries in butterscotch schnapps for 2 days before you make the jam...DIVINE...  

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Now employed....busy girl

 Paddington Check little girls apron. My first apron I sold

 One that I sold which I really loved and that was purple on the other regrets...I will make myself another purple apron...I did make myself a non purple one ...Its the Wizard of Oz
My stall at Cygnet market.
Well I'm ashamed to say Ive been to busy with a new job and making aprons to sell that I have neglected my blog...but my very good friend Kath from TrailblazeHer is going great guns and getting so many visitors she amazes me with her strength and character and her ability to keep going when things are tough. You GO GIRL I am with you all the way. Ok so I got a job and its pretty much full time and Ive also done 2 markets with another coming up this sunday and Ive been selling my aprons. I have had a great start and sold 5 at the first market and 7 last time and 3 ordered from that market. Im very excited about this and have made some absolutely gorgeous little girls aprons and ladies as well as boys and mens(shown below with chefs hat...another new thing I'm making)
So hi ho hi ho its off to work I go...happy cooking all my lovely friends